SALC Student Spotlight: Tiffany Zheng ‘22
SALC Student Spotlight: Tiffany Zheng ‘22

By: Amy Suk ‘23
Tiffany Zheng ‘22, from Easton, Md., is currently in her third year at the University of Maryland and planning to graduate next year. She is majoring in general biology with an interest in dermatology due to her love for skincare. She plans to apply to medical school after taking a gap year after graduation. Not only has Tiffany been thriving academically, but she is a part of numerous organizations on campus. She has completed the BioFIRE living learning program and has experienced research opportunities as a freshman. She is a member of Delta Epsilon Mu, a professional, co-ed, pre-health fraternity where she was able to meet wonderful people from all different medical fields and realized pre-med is for her. Zheng shares her bright personality as an orientation advisor, greeting and welcoming new first year students to our campus for the past two years. She is also a blood donor ambassador, and has great experience in helping and retaining a high number of donors. Lastly, Tiffany volunteers for Project Sunshine where she works with pediatric children's hospitals to bring some fun and play in their lives. When she is not busy with her studies and activities you can find her as an RA at Denton Hall.
In addition to all her other responsibilities and organizations, Zheng joined the Student Alumni Leadership Council (SALC) and is a member of the campus programming committee and diversity and inclusion committee. As a part of the campus programming committee, she helped to plan fun, online events for Charter Day. As a part of the newly created diversity and inclusion committee, she found herself in very insightful society seminars to bring light onto current events, such as AAPI hate crimes. Within SALC, one of her goals is to increase membership and see more diversity within members of the SALC community, as well as plan diversity and inclusion workshops.
One of her personal goals is to figure out what lies ahead for her postgraduate years. Until then, she plans to make the most out of her last year and a half of college. Zheng is an amazing Terp who brings positive, bright energy into our SALC and campus communities. We can’t wait to see what else she accomplishes in her time as an UMD student, and we wish her the best of luck.
In our “Student Spotlight” blog series, we introduce you to current UMD students doing incredible things on campus, in their communities, and beyond. If you know of a student who would be a good feature for this blog series, please reach out to Jessica Lee.

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