Celebrate Terp-Owned Black Businesses
Celebrate Terp-Owned Black Businesses

By Devin Brooks ‘19
A shifting economy, uncertain political futures and a pandemic that seems here to stay - we’re not going to lie, times are tough. Just like you, your Alumni Association has had to make some significant changes to find our new normal. We might be strictly digital for some time, but that doesn’t mean that we still can’t come together. To #StayFearlessUMD, we must work to lift each other up - not only your friends and family, but the barista at your favorite local coffee shop, the lead at the volunteer group you used to participate in each week, even the boutique bakery that always makes the best red velvet cupcakes.
That’s why your Alumni Association developed #TerpBusiness, a list of Terp-owned businesses to make it easy and safe for you to support your UMD community. Reconnect with your favorite Terp-owned spaces, but also find fresh discoveries, from a new virtual dance class or comedy group to marketing firms designed to help your own business thrive. And if you’re a Terp-business owner yourself, consider joining #TerpBusiness so we can support you.
In the meantime, we’ll do our best to elevate your needs, and that includes recognizing the disadvantages of non-white groups in our state and country. In the midst of COVID-19, our country has also faced a devastating resurgence in anti-Black racism and prejudice. Your Alumni Association will not stand for such behavior, and that’s why we’re working to further implement initiatives and programs specifically to serve our Black communities, as well as other underrepresented communities.
We spent August compiling a list, by location, of Black Terp-owned businesses. Consider patronizing a few (or more!) from the options below, and take this time to reflect on how we, together, can work to raise our underrepresented voices. If you are a Black Terp-business owner and you would like to be added to this list, please reach out to Christine Kunkel.
Terp-Business Owners can also sign up to receive the TEN newsletter for access to resources, tools, upcoming events and networking opportunities with your fellow enTerpreneurs.
Your Alumni Association is fearlessly committed to your success, and we will never stop working to help ALL Terps thrive. #StayFearlessUMD
Check out at least two businesses from the list below!
Maryland - Prince George’s County
Femsterimages Productions - https://www.femsterimages.com/
Spixebooth - https://www.spixebooth.com/
M3 Mitchell Media and Marketing LLC - http://www.m3mitchellmedia.com/
Renaissance Square Studio - https://www.newrenaissancearts.com/
Hair + Space - https://www.hairandspace.com/
CAMPspace - http://www.campworkspace.com/
Jayne Heir Weddings + Events - https://jayneheir.com/
B Astonished Events - https://bastonishedevents.com/
Laugh House LLC - https://dmvlaughhouse.com/
Holland and Holland Teas - https://hollandandhollandent.com/
Black Girls Who Blog - @blackgirlswhoblog (Instagram)
Excellence Dance Academy - https://www.excellence-dance.com/
Aurora Tights - https://www.auroratights.com/
Maryland - Montgomery County
Noble Uprising - https://www.nobleuprising.org/
Maryland - Baltimore
Magnapels - https://www.magnepels.com/
Union Craft Brewing - https://www.unioncraftbrewing.com/
Midnite Confections - http://www.midniteconfection.com/about-us.html
Multiple Locations
Connie's Chicken and Waffles - http://www.connieschickenandwaffles.com/
Empowered Strategies - www.
Washington, D.C.
TapSnap D.C. - https://www.tapsnap.net/ms/tapsnap-dc-photo-booth-rentals
One More Plate, D.C. - https://www.newrenaissancearts.com/one-more-plate
Chef Huda’s Kitchen - https://www.chefhudaskitchen.com/
Answer Abstracts - http://www.answerabstracts.com/
Wig Nation - https://linktr.ee/wignation
Los Angeles
Healthy x Hollywood - https://www.healthxhollywood.org/
Lauren Los Angeles PR - https://laurenlosangeles.com/
90210 Lashes - https://90210lashes.co/
New York
The Daria Fennell Media Group - https://thedfmediagroup.com/
Joy Fennell Co. - https://www.joyfennell.com/
Adrienne Nicole Productions - https://www.producedbyanp.com/