Meet the Staff: Jessica Roberts ’02
Meet the Staff: Jessica Roberts ’02

By Amy Guan ’22
Jessica Roberts ‘02, pictured above with her husband and two sons, is the Chief of Staff & Managing Director of Board Operations. Just like her love for Homecoming, her passion for the Alumni Association has been felt for the past 12 years she has worked here. We are pleased to introduce her to you in this installment of our “Meet the Staff” series.
In your own words, what do you do at the Alumni Association?
My job is to get things done! I oversee the strategy and leadership of our membership and revenue generating programs. My job is to create partnerships with companies that will provide value to our alumni, while also creating a funding source for the association.
What you can find me doing outside of work.
Anything outside! On my bike, on the boat or at the neighborhood beach.
What is your favorite UMD memory?
I am an alum! My husband and I LOVED Ratsie's wings, playing Golden Tee at Town Hall or burger night at Cornerstone.
What’s your go-to coffee order?
Non-fat vanilla chai.
Do you have any secret talents?
I can recite just about every line from several movies, including "Steel Magnolias" and "The Wedding Singer.”
What's your go-to karaoke song?
I only serve as a back-up dancer in karaoke, kind of like a "fly girl.” I'm a terrible singer!
What's your favorite Alumni Association memory?
I have worked here 12.5 years so there are way too many to pick a favorite. But, I love Homecoming. I love arriving before everyone else, walking the campus before everyone gets there and then watching the alumni roll in. And if there's time, walking around Lot 1 to see the tailgates.
Reach out to Jessica if your company wants to market your goods/services to our awesome alumni:
Jessica Roberts
Chief of Staff & Managing Director, Board Operations
Email: | Phone: 301.405.7081
In our “Meet the Staff” blog series we introduce you to the hardworking team members at the University of Maryland Alumni Association who help connect you with fellow Terps, prepare you for new opportunities and strengthen your legacy and alma mater.

First Day Reflections and Excitement in Joining the Maryland Family

Friday Five: Learn from Maryland Faculty

Meet the Staff: Erica Lane