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Friday Five: "We really are Terrapin Strong."

Friday Five: "We really are Terrapin Strong."

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Welcome to the Friday Five, a roundup of the best your Alumni Association and other UMD communities have to offer. From the latest events to fun facts, here’s essentials in five categories for you to check out this weekend.

1. What's Happening
The Alumni Excellence Awards

- Alumni Excellence Awards Nominations - Accepted May 10 - June 15

From scholars and innovators to entrepreneurs, teachers and researchers, Maryland alumni are leaving their mark on the world. The Alumni Excellence Awards recognize the accomplishments of select Terps and honor these recipients with distinction. 

Click here to learn more about the nomination and selection process, and nominate a Terp here.

- An Evening with President Pines - June 9 | 7 p.m. EDT

Join the University of Maryland Northern New Jersey, Philadelphia and Boston Alumni Networks to learn more about President Pines, his bold agenda to "Move Maryland Forward," and explore his plans to improve engagement with alumni living outside of the Maryland area. All Terps are invited and can submit questions ahead of the event. RSVP

2. Quotables
Jessica Lee 14, M.Ed ‘19

- End-of-Year Spring '21 SALC Alumni Newsletter

"Get to know our new SALC Advisor and the Alumni Association’s Program Manager of Student Engagement, Jessica Lee ‘14, M.Ed ‘19." Amy Petrocelli ‘21Alumni Blog; READ MORE


3. A Little Fun
A surprise fireworks display over Maryland Stadium capped Friday’s commencement ceremonies celebrating the classes of 2021 and 2020.

- "We really are Terrapin Strong."

Celebrate the Class of 2021's achievements with a look back on commencement: "Amid fireworks and outdoor fanfare, graduates heralded for showing perseverance in challenging times." READ MORE



4. Let's Get Social

Sarah Sabet '21

- Instagram Aesthetic
Sarah Sabet '21 reflects on how a scholarship from the Alumni Association is helping her realize her dreams in research and innovation. SEE POST


5. Friendly Reminders

McKeldin Mall watercolor print
Your Membership Impacts University Rankings
Did you know that Alumni Association memberships directly impact the University of Maryland’s rankings? Because of our alumni support, Maryland has been recognized as No. 19 among national public universities in U.S. News & World Report Best Colleges
Your membership makes it happen. Become a member by June 30 and your contribution will count towards the 2020-2021 rankings. Receive our gorgeous watercolor print of McKeldin Mall as our gift to you. JOIN TODAY

That's it for this week, Terps. Make sure to check back with us every Friday, and update your information in the alumni directory to always receive the latest from your Alumni Association. Have a lovely weekend!



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