Get Involved: What's Happening at Your Alumni Association, January-March
Get Involved: What's Happening at Your Alumni Association, January-March

Here’s to a new year, Terps! Your Alumni Association welcomes you to 2021, and what is sure to be a better and brighter future.
We appreciated your patience as we transitioned to an all-virtual environment. Terps are the heart and strength of the Alumni Association, and despite last years’ difficulties, we loved hanging out with you online. Before we jump into the next three months’ exciting events, here’s a look back at some 2020 highlights:
1. Camp Diamondback, the Alumni Association’s Virtual Summer Camp
2. The Alumni Association’s First-Ever Virtual Homecoming
What’s Happening in the New Year?
Jump To: Major Events | Terrapin-Tastic Updates | Membership |
UMD Champions | Alumni Networks
Alumni Signature Events
Some events won’t yet have registration pages, but we’ll make sure to update you via email and our social media channels (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn).
To make sure you’re receiving these important notices, take five minutes to update your information in the Alumni Directory and let us know your communication preferences. Also check your email inbox - for Gmail specifically, make sure our email address ( is directed to your primary inbox so you never miss an email from us.
1. New Year, New You - January 6, 13, 20 & 27
2020’s over (thank Testudo) - time to hit the refresh button. This four-part interactive series teaches you to become a goal-setting (and crushing) superstar for your personal life, career, mental and emotional health, and fitness. DETAILS
2. Career Week - January 25-29
Smash your professional goals with a packed week of programming designed to kickstart, revamp or supercharge your career.
3. Terrapin Love Week - February 8-12
Learn the art of love in many languages. We’re talking romance, self love, loving your career, loving yourself through heartbreak, and more.
4. Black History Week - February 15-19
Amidst the swell of racism in 2020, it’s more important than ever to recognize, honor and support Black Terps and Black communities across this nation and the world. Join us for a rich look at history, social justice, and how you can make an impact. REGISTER NOW
5. Power Terps: From College Park to Careers in Tech - February 24
Interested in how an English degree might translate to a research role with Google? Curious to learn how to balance a successful professional life with thriving personal relationships? Hoping to gain perspective on turning a failure into an opportunity for growth? Join us on Wednesday, February 24 to hear the stories of three Power Terps who have landed careers with some of the biggest names in tech, and the journeys they navigated to get there. REGISTER NOW
6. Giving Day - March 3
It’s that time of year - March 3, 2021 is Giving Day. Support your Alumni Association’s Student Engagement Fund to give students continued opportunities for personal and professional growth.
7. Home 101 - March 22-26
Bored at home, yet? You may wonder how to freshen your home to make it more comfortable, exciting or just...different. Home 101 features topics to help you reinvent your space. REGISTER
8. Women’s History Month - March
It’s ladies month. We at the Alumni Association celebrate all definitions of women the month of March. LEARN MORE
Terrapin-Tastic Updates
Terp Pride Campaign
Your Alumni Association is launching our first-ever UGC campaign! We’re looking for your best photos of campus, events, pride photos, Terp travel and adventures, and more. Upload your photos to Instagram and tag us at #UMAAxMe for a chance to be featured on our weekly Instagram spotlights. Check out our Campaign page for full details.
Impact Stories
We’re always looking for stories on how you’ve been impacted by the Alumni Association. Submit your experience here for a chance to be featured on our Alumni Blog.
Your Voice Matters
We need your continued feedback to make sure we're serving you the best we can. Check out your Alumni Association's social medai channels for weekly polls and questions each Thursday (and Fridays only on Instagram) on events and more. We also want to get to know you - look out for questions on your favorite songs, what you've been up to stave off quarantine boredeom, and even what kind of The Dairy ice cream flavor you'd be (incredibly important research). Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | LinkedIn
“The strength of a university can be measured by the success and loyalty of its alumni.” - President Darryll J. Pines
Recap Snapshot:
Last October, members got first access to Coffee and Conversation with President Pines, celebrated the unveiling of new lifetime members, and won exclusive Terp swag through our #MemberMonday giveaways. Members also supported student success through a portion of membership dues contributing directly to Alumni Association student scholarships, elevating the next generation of Terps.
Here’s a sample of what’s coming up these next three months for members:
1. Special Career Week Programming - Start with Strengths
2. #MemberMonday Giveaways
3. Member Appreciation Week
Are you an Alumni Association member? No? That’s okay...we’ll try not to take it personally. You can always make it up to us - Join as a lifetime member before March 31, 2021 and save $250, and get your name engraved on the Frann G. & Eric S. Francis Lifetime Membership Wall.
You’ll also get access to exclusive swag items and giveaways, as well as resources such as our gorgeous semi-annual member magazine.
And, of course, the real reason you should join - get our brand-new quarter zip pullover FREE as our gift to you at any membership level.
UMD Champions
A PSA for current Champions - the UMD Champions program is due for a stunning relaunch. Expect details and a grand reveal here, on social media and via email come February.
What is this UMD Champions, you ask? Simply put, UMD Champions is a Maryland bragging program, an opportunity to share your UMD pride with the world. We send you curated and tailored pride points, news and more about Maryland, and you simply click to share with your social networks.
Want to make sure you don’t miss the relaunch? SIGN UP TO BECOME A CHAMPION NOW!
Alumni Networks
The Alumni Association has over 30 networks, all which host events and programs for specific regions, affinities and special interest groups. They are true heroes of the Alumni Association, creating intimate communities of Terps across the world.
Haven’t found your network yet? Check out the Network Contact Page for a full list of details on reaching the right group for you.
Recap Snapshot:
Last October, your Alumni Association hosted its first Terp Pumpkin Tournament, where networks battled for the spookiest or most creative carved pumpkin. Bridget Russell '15 from the Frederick County Alumni Network took home the grand prize of a gift card to Route One Apparel.
Looking for ways to participate this year? Here’s what’s going on these next few months, as well as links to tips and resources for growing your network.
1. Sound On Series
A super-collaboration between networks is coming your way. Introducing the Sound On Series, once-monthly events hosted by various networks and covering a wide range of topics. Here’s what’s coming up:
- January: Supporting Parents Through Virtual Learning (Hosted by Baltimore Terps)
- February: Keeping the Spark Alive: Dating and Marriage During a Pandemic (Hosted by Baltimore Terps)
Registration Coming Soon
- March: Socially Distant Civic Engagement (Hosted by D.C. Terps)
Registration Coming Soon
2. Quarterly Network Bracket
Details coming soon!
3. Submit for a Spotlight Feature
We want to know what you and your networks have been up to! Have a great photo or video from a recent past event? Send them our way - submit your content by a monthly deadline here to be entered for a chance to be featured on your Alumni Association’s social channels. We pick one network per month to highlight, including interesting facts about your crew and your cool upcoming events. You can also participate in our UGC Campaign (see full details here). SUBMIT
That's all, Terps! Check back with this post for updates on our major events and programming. We can't wait to see what fun the next three months hold. #StayFearlessUMD