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Alumni Spotlight

News & Stories: Alumni Spotlight

Colin and Michal posing being carried on the beach together.

Game, Set, Match

Love, in many cases, can be a roll of the dice. Just ask Michael Shindledecker ’16 and Colin Morrow ’16.
A professional headshot of University of Maryland Alum, Brad Eisenberg.

Helping Terp Companies Go “Lean”

Brad Eisenberg ’09 knows what it’s like to be a “starving entrepreneur,” from the requisite stint in his parents’ basement to the exhausting scramble of working two jobs at once.
A headshot of Will Cousins.

When Terrapins Connect: How Alum Connections Helped This Terp Find a Job During a Global Pandemic

The cap and gown. The stage walk. Moving the tassel. And, of course, receiving that diploma. All quintessential markers of achievement for graduates at universities across the...
Three women talking on stage at an Alumni Association event.

Empowering Alumnae Igniting Change

On March 14, 2022, in celebration of Women’s History Month, members of the UMD community had the opportunity to hear from three driven alumnae working to make an impact in the...
Students walking outdoor on campus in the spring

Celebrating Asian American and Pacific Islander Terp Businesses

May is Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month, celebrating the historical and cultural contributions of AAPI individuals to the United States.
Terps under 30

Inspiring Terp Alums Share Experiences at Terps Under 30

On April 6, current Terps and Terp alums gathered together for the Student Alumni Leadership Council’s (SALC) fifth annual Terps Under 30 hallmark event.
Sasha Loriene BGWP Tee

Painting a New Landscape: Alum’s Organization Brings Together Women Artists of Color

Sasha-Loriene McClain ’12 likes to joke that she was the world’s briefest studio art major. 
Carlos Acosta Headshot

Meet the Board of Governors: The Honorable Carlos F. Acosta '85, M.A. '91

As a student at the University of Maryland, Carlos F. Acosta ’85, M.A. ’91 saw plenty of parking tickets, but not because he was a campus scofflaw. 
UMD22 Mar Comm AA BAW Email Header

Meet the Black Alumni Weekend Steering Committee

The University of Maryland’s inaugural Black Alumni Weekend will welcome Terps back to College Park to celebrate with friends, reconnect with fellow classmates, and enjoy a...
Bert Williams

Meet the Board of Governors: Bert Williams ’96

When he walked across the stage at graduation 26 years ago, Bert Williams ’96 received two items: a certificate for his criminal justice degree and a University of Maryland...
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Get to Know Lakisha Ann Woods '97 — Executive Vice President/Chief Executive Officer of the American Institute of Architects

Lakisha Ann Woods ’97, CAE, is the executive vice president and chief executive officer of the American Institute of Architects (AIA), a dynamic network of more than 94,000...
Ted offit

Meet the Board of Governors: Theodore “Ted” A. Offit ’77

The University of Maryland was a fond but distant memory for attorney Theodore “Ted” A. Offit ’77 when he traveled to Philadelphia 20 years ago to open his law firm’s third office.
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