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News & Stories

Keep up with your fellow alumni through spotlights, Q&As and more! Read inspiring stories, professional advice and exciting updates from your fellow fearless alumni. You may even find an old friend or story that reminds you of the great times you spent here at The University of Maryland. 

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10 for TEN: Jake Blackmon ‘17

Jake Blackmon ‘21 is the owner of Smoketown Beer, established in 2015 by the Blackmon family. The original Smoketown Brewing is located in a remodeled, small-town fire station...
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Angela Sun ‘23: Helping ‘Every Child’ get ahead

Sun founded The Every Child Project (also known as TECP) last spring to match university students with younger children who could benefit from individual tutoring during...
Josh Rosenthal

Terp Insights: Benefits of a Side Hustle

Some may call it a night job, but I did it on nights, weekends and in the early mornings.
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Friday Five: The Magic of Giving Back with Do Good Month

Welcome to the Friday Five, a roundup of the best your Alumni Association and other UMD communities have to offer. From the latest events to fun facts, here’s essentials in...
Students walking outdoor on campus in the spring

A Veterinarian and a Tech Guru Walk into a (Coffee) Bar...

In 2015, an unexpected meeting between two Terps – who graduated 18 years apart – led to the creation of Instinct, a software designed specifically for veterinary hospitals.
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Get Involved: What's Happening at Your Alumni Association, April-June

Check out what's coming up at the Alumni Association over the next three months.
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Friday Five: Jam Out to the Women's History Month Spotify Playlist

Welcome to the Friday Five, a roundup of the best your Alumni Association and other UMD communities have to offer. From the latest events to fun facts, here’s essentials in...
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How Alumni Association Scholarships Help Terps Achieve Their Goals

Whether you’re a current student or a graduate, the University of Maryland Alumni Association is dedicated to supporting Terps in their quest to stay fearless.
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Doing Good with Anthony Sartori ‘18

Anthony Sartori, a former psychology major and co-founder of UMD’s Scholars Promoting and Revitalizing Care (SPARC), designed the 10-week pilot program to arm educators with...
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Event Recap: East Coast Doctoral Gathering

On Thursday, January 21, nearly 200 Terps, doctoral students and postdoctoral alumni, gathered virtually to explore how alumni can support the diverse career needs of current...
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The Inaugural Career Week Recap

The University of Maryland Alumni Association kicked off the new year by hosting its first-ever Career Week January 25-29, 2021. This virtual series engaged Terps of all career...
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Terp Writer’s Corner: Joy Carol ‘68

Are you looking to press refresh on loving yourself and living life to the fullest? Through her new book, alumna Joy Carol ‘86 shares stories people can learn from in order to...
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